Keynote Speech

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Keynote Speech (workshops)

Strategy Execution during Uncertainty – the 3 Ps of Execution

We have entered a new world of disorder, where dealing with market turbulence and uncertainty has become fundamental for businesses to survive. Others use these conditions to thrive. What is it that distinguishes such companies when it comes to Strategy and execution? This speak will talk about three overall models of execution and what it will require from a execution leadership perspective by introducing an integrated approach for linking strategy with business execution and performance management.

Key words: VUCA world, 3 Execution models, Promise Based Execution, the changing role of the execution leader

Duration: 45-90 minutes optional.

The fundamental 4 gaps in Strategy Execution – and how to overcome them

Between 40-60% of a company’s strategic potential is lost due to poor execution. Why is that? what are the most typical pitfalls? and how can you overcome these effectively? In this talk, you will hear about the lessons learned from other companies and learn about the four fundamental leadership practices for succeeding with your strategy execution effort.

Key words: Typical gaps of strategy execution, Top-Down Governance vs Bottom-Up Engagement, The four fundamental execution leadership practices

Duration: 45-90 minutes, alternatively as seminar of 3 to 4 hours duration with interactive discussions in groups.

Promise Based Execution & the Four fundamental Execution Leadership Practices

Most companies primarily rely on a so-called “Top-Down Governance” model for strategy implementation. Research shows that this will often lead to installation of change but without a full realization of your strategic intent.  For your organization to fully live a strategy, you need to add Bottom-Up Engagement by making clear what are the contributions of your teams, managers and employees and build ownership and accountability. Learn more about how to do this via a proven approach called Promise Based Execution.

Key words: Strategy engagement, Promise Based Execution, Execution Leadership, Building personal ownership and accountability.

Duration: 45-90 minutes optional, alternatively as seminar of 3 to 4 hours duration with interactive discussions in groups.